This was originally on the BBC Ouch! Website
Blair plays Tommie Bolton, a young man, who goes to the doctors asking to look like his family. He tells them everyone else gets to look like the people they love, so why shouldn’t he? He says it isn’t his fault that he has Down syndrome. The new doctor in the series discourages the family, telling them that it would take $60,000 and 10 surgeries to do such a thing. Tommie's parents don't have enough money and ask if they do "pro-bono" or free work for deserving cases. The new doctor says that it's the same scenario as if a woman wants a boob job.However, Dr Troy is more sympathetic, feeling that the new doctor wasn't very helpful. Tommie's arrival spurs him into contacting his mother again because Tommie's family bonds are so strong.Tommie's brother and sister approach Dr Troy, and offer $15,000, asking him what he can do for them.Dr Troy suggests that, as the family all have the same prominent nose, Tommie should have a new "Bolton nose". Tommie goes under the knife and gets a new nose. He loves the outcome, and says: "Oh my God, I look like my Dad". His family are delighted with the new nose too.
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